cyclograph help version 1 * Create manually a new slope: Click on "New" in the toolbar (or menu File -> New) then for every point click on "Add" in the toolbar; this will open from in witch you have to give distance from the start and altitude, and associate a name if you want. To edit or delete a point select it with mouse click and than use "Edit" or "Remove" on the toolbar. * Create a slope from a Google Earth: If you have Google Earth you may find easy to get some track on CycloGraph, you have visualize directions from one place tho another (see Google Erath documentation) and then save it in kml format. From CycloGraph you can click on "Import kml" on the toolbar or in the "File" menu and choose the file you saved. The altitude informations are not stored in the kml file so they must be downloaded from a server. You may want to choose witch server to use selecting it in the configuration menu. DISCLAMER: altitudes downloaded from theese server are not as accurate as a GPS or an altimeter, so the resulting slope may not fully represent the real slope. * Plot your slope: Create or open a slope and click on "Plot" (if it is hidden click on ">>") on the toolbar: a new window will open and you can save its content as an image using its file menu. You can choose between a plain 2D rapresentation, or a more beautifull but less clear 3D rapresentation. To switch from one to the other use configuration menu. You can choose witch color use for a gradient range usingo configuration menu. * See/edit information about a slope: Slope informations contains usefull information about a slope: where it is placed, who created the file, and additionals info. It also show some informations caluated from the slope. To access to this click on "Info" on the toolbar(if it is hidden click on).