There is a new update for CycloGraph. In version 1.4.2 we have fixed some issues for classic and black themes, and added some slope info. there is also a fix for openlayers visualization in create window.
Version 1.4.1 of CycloGraph is out. There is a more granular distance bar, improved support for slopes starting from distances greater than zero. In create window there is now support for drawing on Open Cycle Map and Open Street Map and an updated access to Google Maps. Finally the main window now remembers maximization.
After a long time we are proud to announce a new version of CycloGraph. There is the new theme smooth classic, improvement in text layout to prevent overlaps, support to utf-8, initial tcx files support, an animated plot for qt and others minor improvements.
rpm packages were not correct; in this status they are as useful as source tarball. We removed rpm packages and suggest to continue using CycloGraph by taraball package.
A new version of CycloGraph is out. The 1.3.1 version introduced a preferences dialog to change program settings, a dialog to set the number of points imported from a gpx file and a menu option to change resolution of the images saved. Kml import is now more robust and it works much better with kml produced by saliteweb.
What changes? Well, there are two big features: one is theming and the other is route (kml) creation. You can now choose between three different themes, each one has a 2D and a 3D variant. Using routes from Google Maps/Earth is supported by a long time, but now the process is simpler: go to create and ask google for directions, correct it by grabbin the route if you want to, and than just click ok to have the altitudes into CycloGraph. If the route is not on the map you can draw it. Some aspects of the interface are now more user-friendly, as well.
So is it really so shiny? Yes, it is if you don't use Mac Os X. In this case you should install PyQt and it dependecies (SIP and Qt). We know the process isn't really agile so we hope some Mac user who wants CycloGraph to contact us for instructions (don't get scared it isn't so hard).
There isn't any new version of CycloGraph released this time :-( We are working towards a new release that needs only a bit of polishing. The news is the review made by Softpedia, it grants the absence of malicious components. So CygloGraph gained the certification of "100% FREE" Softpedia Award. For more info you can visit this site.
Added version 1.2.1 linux packages in the download section.
We removed the linux packages due to a file missing problem on the sources, we are working on redoing them to upload them again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We are pleased to announce a new version of CycloGraph. The 1.2.1 version corrects the qt gui dialog for default settings reset, fix the kml loader for sentieriweb kml, adds a command line option to open files in a gui, we have olso fixed a bug that prevent to save a proper svg file and the color selection dialog for gtk_gui. We would like to wish everyone happy New Year from the CycloGraph team.
New italian translation of the site.
CycloGraph has a new feature release, with some good new features. It has a more user friendly interface (toolbar with icons) and gives more information about slopes. Has been added opening support for crp files (both binary and textual), and now is possible to open also gpx files from GPS receivers. A new 3D visualization can be use in addition to the usual 2D view. GTK+ is now supported in addition to Qt, but CycloGraph can be used also from command line. There is a Mac Os X package witch just work out of the box. As always feed-backs are welcomed.
Added cyclograph .csv format specification and cyclograph help files in the documentation section.
New 1.1.1 release of CycloGraph that now can import slopes from Ciclomaniac (.xml) and Salitaker (.sal).
CycloGraph is 1-year old and a new stable version available for download. It shows the gradient for a route of witch the users should provide the altitudes, or it can open file saved from similar but closed-source software such Salitaker and Cyclomaniac, and it can also import routes from kml, for example generated from Google Earth. With this release it is possible to use Qt libraries or, at your opinion, wxWidgets; this should give to everyone a better integration with the o.s. (or the d.e.). It is available also a minimal command line interface witch allows to open a supported file ad print the corresponding svg image as output. Svg file now can be saved also from graphical interface and also bmp format is available. The structure of the software has been cleaned and this automatically cleaned from many bugs.
We are happy to announce the 1.0 version of CycloGraph. CycloGraph is able to plot the profile of path (road, track or everything you want) that you submit manually or giving a simple kml file (e.g. generated by Google Earth). You can export this image in png. You can import slopes from Salitaker (.sal) and Cyclomaniac (.txt). You can personalize the image choosing colors, fonts and resolution. You can also chose witch server use to get informations on elevation (kml just stores latitude and longitude).